

Crossword: Estonia - Paradise without palm trees

Estonia - Paradise without palm trees, by João Lopes Marques:



1- More than just a brand of Estonian chocolate, the mythical father of Kalevipoeg, the giant hero who founded the Estonian nation.
5- Carmen (...), the Estonian supermodel par excellence, and perhaps the most successful Estonian woman to date.
7- “Hi!” or “Hello!” and a favorite word among tourists and expats.
8- The main bus station.
9- Bronze (...), or Aljosha, beloved by local Russians as a symbol of Estonia’s “liberation” from the Nazis by the Soviet Union in 1944; a statue whose relocation (and the resulting uproar, riots and chaos) from downtown Tallinn to a military cemetery on the 26th of April 2007, finally put Estonia on the world map.
10- The “summer capital” of the country, although the use of the word “summer” can seem misleading at times in Estonia. 11- Estonia’s biggest island and a giant spa adored by Finnish pensioners.
13- (...) Munamägi, the highest peak of Estonia at 318 meters.
15- (...) Saagim, Estonian-born tabloid star, famous in Finland as well.
16- Estonia’s third largest city, but a place where almost no ethnic Estonian goes. Located on the European Union’s easternmost border, on the (...) River which separates Estonia from Russia. Although every storefront, every sign, every menu is in Estonian, Russian is the operative language of almost everyone in town.
20- A lake by the airport where Tallinn’s drinking water is derived. Prior to being renamed Lennart Meri Tallinn Airport in 2009, Tallinn’s airport was known as Tallinn (...) airport.
23- (...) / väga (...), if being “normal” is a great compliment in Estonia, now imagine being “very normal”.
26- Grandmother in Estonian, most often widowed and a true institution in this country.
27- Literally translates as “John’s Day”; more important than Christmas for Estonians, and marked by large-scale nationwide summer-solstice-related celebrations every June 24.
29- The “Bronx” of Tallinn.
30- Tallinn’s Riviera where the yachting events for the 1980 Moscow Olympics were held.
31- (...) Reliikvia, a medieval love story filmed in 1969 and the most adored Estonian movie ever.
32- Jaanus (...), the head of “Tallinn 2011 - European Capital of Culture”.
1- Literally translates to “Fish House”, and is the district of Tallinn where the author lives.
2- Abbreviation for Estonian crown, or Eesti kroon, the local currency that was replaced by the euro on the 1st of January 2011 at an exchange rate of roughly 15.65 Estonian crowns per euro.
3- “kefir” in English, a thick sour milk, with Turkic origins, that locals love to drink.
4- The Upper Hill of Tallinn’s Old Town where Parliament and several other government functions are housed.
5- A nice little coastal resort halfway between Tallinn and Narva where local writers go to be creative.
6- The folk capital of Estonia and from where Estonians believe the purest Estonians come.
7- In three words: “university”, “university” and “university”.
12- (...) Ilves, the culinary-savvy First Lady.
14- The capital city of Estonia… although the original meaning of the word “(...)” is believed to have been “Danish town”.
17- (...) Meri, perhaps the most venerated president of any republic in the history of mankind; the only god in which Estonians truly believe.
18- (...) Baar, the “bar without a name”, ever popular among a certain segment of the population despite (or because of?) its reputation for cheap beer, sports, expats and women interested in making their acquaintance.
19- The same as “Old Town”.
21- Klaus (...), the man who sent João to Tallinn.
22- Edgar (...), the ultimate political enemy for most Estonians, who also happens to be the long serving mayor of Tallinn.
24- (...) jaam, a Soviet-style gare. Tallinn’s “central station”. Located just outside of Old Town, but infamous for being a center of seediness.
25- (...) Hunt, the most famous pub in Estonia.
28- Can be used to mean both “please” and “you’re welcome”.

Paulo Freixinho


Anu - Balti - Bussijaam - Eek - Evelin - Hell - Jaanipäev - Kalamaja -Kalev - Käsmu - Kass - Keefir - Kopli - Lennart - Mirsalis - Narva - Nimeta - Normaalne - Palun - Pärnu - Pirita - Rohumaa - Saaremaa - Savisaar - Soldier - Suur - Tallinn - Tartu - Tere - Toompea - Ülemiste - Vanaema - Vanalinn - Viimne - Viljandi.

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